Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bandwagon Propaganda

This was created by someone who was making fun of Hilary Clinton partnering with Xerox suggesting that every candidate should do this to try to succeed in making a change. Regardless, the poster resembles Obama's own "Hope" campaign which was a very clean and sophistcated design, as is this even in black and white.
I could not find the year or designer of this poster but it looks extremely WWII-like. This poster is a good representation of the bandwagon approach to get people to join the war. Everyone's face who is on the train looks happy to be apart of the war which implies that if you would have joined the war, you would be happy too. The colors give it an antique, traditional feel and the brown background is the same color of the uniforms. The font choice is a little too large and overpowers the image.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Patriotic Propaganda

Fred Sieble "Someone talked" 1942
With the image focused dead center of the page and to be so dark around the edges really captures the darkness of the time period that anything bad could have happened. With the man pointing out to the viewer and saying "someone talked," makes it feel almost as if he's displacing his distrust throughout the war on the viewer. The viewer then would answer the accusation to then feel like he or she should have patriotism to his or her country.

The Uncle Sam poster is a pure American Patriotism propaganda poster. The artist made Uncle Sam ghost like but made the American citizens so much smaller in comparison almost as if to correlate that "the war is bigger than you but we need your help."

Monday, October 26, 2009


Stoecklin, Niklaus
12 Baselst Kantonal - Turnfest, 1924

Stoecklin, Niklaus
Mitin Behandelte Wolle: dauernd mottenecht!, 1946

Psychadelic Art Nouveau

1967 Beatles
Richard Avedon
1968 Jimi Hendrix Experience Concert Poster
Mister Tambourine Man
Martin Sharpe 1967
Wes Wilson
Stanley Mouse

Alton Kelley

Monday, October 19, 2009

Milton Glaser


This poster uses color to highlight the natural shading of woman against the tree. The feel of the poster is classical and almost greek-like with the shades of red, gold, and green. The design of the artwork is clean and sophisticated which helps the eye be able to focus on and enjoy the the woman, the leaves, and the people playing violins in the trees.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Style Wars: Mare139

I can't grab a picture from the Style Wars website I guess because they are all GIF's or something but there is one by Mare139 that is called "L" and it's from 1986. All graffiti is unique but this one is just so different and exciting to look at. It's hot pink and circles around one part before the "L" is finally finished being drawn or painted. The contrast from hot pink to white to black is done very well and it's not hard to look at like some graffiti is. I'll try to find the picture on Google images.

Jules Cheret

Cycles humber. Somewhere between 1896-1900

Out of many posters I looked at, this one seemed to have the best unity especially when it comes to color. The different shades of green help give it a natural feeling while also having that blue sky with one single start in the sky right over the girl's head. The colors of the flowers really stand out against the green and help your eye follow from the title down through her dress and to the bike.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aubrey Beardsley

Excalibur from Le Morte D'arthur. 1897

This image stopped me when I was searching for Beardsley's work. There's so much tedious detail and design. With the harsh black background and the width of the vines from the trees seem to give it a feminine touch and a very natural feel.

David Carson

David Carson: Beach Culture Magazine 1990

David Carson designed this wanting a picture of Lyle Lovett's feet positioned this way. This has a very edgy tone yet speaks almost as if someone is aggravated having to repeat the question being asked three times.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Artist: Frances MacDonald
Title: Girl with butterflies
Style: Art Nouveau
Year: Early 1900's

The different hues of blue to white to purple are what really catch my eye. It's almost as if the wind is making up the wedding dress or sort of blowing her dress down a path behind her. The shade of the roses pop off of the sort of gloomy, ghostly tone of the painting and bring a little bit of life into the atmosphere. The way that the woman is set in the foreground makes the painting feel extremely elegant with the beautiful white snowy meadow in the background. Frances MacDonald's paintings provide a very "windy" movement to them.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In this millenia

Designed by New Wave Creative 

The texture to this is almost foggy or smoke like. When Vader forms from Anakin's cloak, that is the central part of the poster. Vader makes the poster heavy on the left side but having Anakin peek out from behind the head of Vader balances it out. The feel of the poster is sort of angry with the red-orange color as the background color. 

After 1960

This is very simple and vintage. The weight is in the center and there isn't really a texture to this. The emphasis seems to be centered around the glass of beer or coke that is in place of where someone's head would be. 

Before 1950's

All of the weight is in the center point of this poster, however, because "Detour" is placed at the bottom with a heavier bold font and a drop shadow, it helps balance the poster almost as if it were anchoring the images. The repeated diagonal lines in the background help unify the poster as one entity instead of it appearing as just a picture on top of some random background as a space holder.

Saul Bass


This poster has elements of a vortex and take your eye into this spinning motion almost as if the picture was really rotating.