Sunday, September 27, 2009

Artist: Frances MacDonald
Title: Girl with butterflies
Style: Art Nouveau
Year: Early 1900's

The different hues of blue to white to purple are what really catch my eye. It's almost as if the wind is making up the wedding dress or sort of blowing her dress down a path behind her. The shade of the roses pop off of the sort of gloomy, ghostly tone of the painting and bring a little bit of life into the atmosphere. The way that the woman is set in the foreground makes the painting feel extremely elegant with the beautiful white snowy meadow in the background. Frances MacDonald's paintings provide a very "windy" movement to them.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In this millenia

Designed by New Wave Creative 

The texture to this is almost foggy or smoke like. When Vader forms from Anakin's cloak, that is the central part of the poster. Vader makes the poster heavy on the left side but having Anakin peek out from behind the head of Vader balances it out. The feel of the poster is sort of angry with the red-orange color as the background color. 

After 1960

This is very simple and vintage. The weight is in the center and there isn't really a texture to this. The emphasis seems to be centered around the glass of beer or coke that is in place of where someone's head would be. 

Before 1950's

All of the weight is in the center point of this poster, however, because "Detour" is placed at the bottom with a heavier bold font and a drop shadow, it helps balance the poster almost as if it were anchoring the images. The repeated diagonal lines in the background help unify the poster as one entity instead of it appearing as just a picture on top of some random background as a space holder.

Saul Bass


This poster has elements of a vortex and take your eye into this spinning motion almost as if the picture was really rotating.